I feel like a heathen even saying the s-word. But, school is upon us. I’m hiding behind my old fashioned Trapper Keeper binder to deflect whatever you guys are throwing at me for mentioning it. But, seriously, this might make the transition helpful, so hear me out!
School Costs Money
Even though a lot of families attend public schools, going back still gets expensive. There are binders, backpacks, lunchboxes, uniforms, band instruments, athletic equipment, clothes, shoes, computers, and a whole lot of other gear that’s expected to appear by that first day of school. It can be a stressful time. But, if you start now, and you use yard sales, you might be able to cut down on some of the expense that comes with the beginning of the school year.
If you’re shopping locally, you can probably find school uniforms in the colors you need. So, keeping an eye out for them can be a big help when budgeting for your back to school needs. Clothing is always an option. As well as gently worn shoes and athletic equipment.
You might be lucky enough to find books and musical instruments as well. And those could go a long way in getting the year off to an economical start. Why spend money on a new saxophone if you aren’t even sure your child has a musical bend? Why buy a new baseball glove if someone has already done the hard work of breaking it in first?
Often electronics make their way into yard sales. So, be on the lookout for printers, computers, tablets and software. You never know what someone else no longer needs that might be just what you’re looking for.
Don’t forget about your college kids and things they can use in the dorm! Small refrigerators, coffee makers, chairs and other stuff that helps round out your student’s needs can be found at yard sales year-round. But now is the time to really be hunting for that kind of treasure.
Back to school season is here, and visiting yard sales just might help you stretch your back to school budget a little further. So, make that list, look for sales in your area and shop til you drop, high five yourself for finding all the greatest deals, and have yourself an amazing year!