With a Little Help From Your Friends
You know what? Your yard sale is on the right track! You have great stuff to sell. You have a location all chosen and prepared. You’ve taken pictures of your merchandise. You’ve posted photos and descriptions on Yardsaletreasures.com. But, there is one component you may not have considered. Your friends! Did you know the average person has 338 Facebook friends? And the average Twitter and Instagram user has 208 followers for each account! That’s a lot of people!
Therefore, when you’re preparing for your yard sale, you should hit the share button on your Yard Sale Treasures listing. More than once! And you should ask your friends and followers to share it as well. We realize that every Facebook friend doesn’t live in your area. But, there’s a chance that they know someone who does, and will share your sale with their local friends.
So, if you have 338 friends and you share your yard sale listing, and a two of those friends know someone in the area, so they repost or share your listing, that’s a potential group of 1,014 who will have seen your yard sale that otherwise wouldn’t have known about it! These are the people who will be stuffing their trunks full of those old Lego Blocks, your no longer watched DVDs, the clothes that the baby has outgrown, and that bike with the cool horn and the tassels!
And that’s not all! You can share it in local yard sale groups that are often found on social media. Members of those sites are already interested in great deals and the likelihood of them sharing it with other yard sale shoppers is high! And remember, they likely have the same number of friends as you do. Using social media to share your yard sale is a great way to insure that your day ends with a full cash box and an empty yard!
Social Media Math
(Bonus Points If You Can Solve This Equation)
If you share your yard sale with your 338 Facebook friends as well as two local Facebook yard sale groups, plus your 208 Instagram Followers and your 208 Twitter Followers, and four friends or followers from each group share, repost or retweet it as well, how many mini vans full of yard sale shoppers will you attract to your yard? The answer? Enough to haul away all of your old stuff, so you don’t have to!
So, share away! All you have to lose is stuff you don’t want anymore anyway!